Eleanor Anne Porden

No. 1 (1808-12-27)D8760/F/FEP/5/1

On the Conscription of the Student of Gottingen

No. 5 (1809-02-21)D8760/F/FEP/5/2

Valentine to Ictinus
Valentine to Maria Parsimonia
Valentine to Miss Flaxman
Valentine to Miss Maria Denman
Valentine to “Cupid Spitted on a Dart”
Valentine to Ictinus
Valentine to Hermes to Maria
Valentine to “All powerful Love is like the Sword of Old”
Valentine to “As longs the Cat the timid Mouse to catch”
Valentine to “When Bish or Carter puffs advance”
Valentine to “At Cupid’s Altar”
Valentine to “When Cupid last by Venus sent”
Valentine to Under the Knave of Hearts
Valentine to Under the Queen of Hearts

No. 6 (1809-03-07)D8760/F/FEP/5/2

Constellation No. 1

No. 7 (1809-03-25)D8760/F/FEP/5/3

The Age of Wonders
Constellation No. 2

No. 8 (1809-04-04)D8760/F/FEP/5/3

Address from the Attic Chest
Answer to the Riddle in No. 4
The Lamentation of Pegasus
Constellation No. 3

No. 9 (1809-05-02)D8760/F/FEP/5/3

Constellation No. 4

No. 10 (1809-05-16)D8760/F/FEP/5/4

To Roberto
To Roberto again

No. 11 (1809-05-30)D8760/F/FEP/5/4

Address to the Clouds on St. Valentine’s Day

No. 12 (1809-07-14)D8760/F/FEP/5/4

Burlesque Elegy
The Floral Senate
Sonnet to Roberto
The Attic Chest
Farewell Address from the Attic Chest

No. 14 (1810-01-02)D8760/F/FEP/5/5

History of the Attic Chest

No. 17 (1810-02-13)D8760/F/FEP/5/6


No. 18 (1810-02-27)D8760/F/FEP/5/6

Valentine to Eborina

No. 19 (1810-03-13)D8760/F/FEP/5/7

Sonnet to a Young Lad

No. 20 (1810-03-27)D8760/F/FEP/5/7

The Voyage of the Muses

No. 22 (1810-04-24)D8760/F/FEP/5/8

A Translation of the 2nd Ode of Anacreon
The Faults of Womankind

No. 24 (1810-05-22)D8760/F/FEP/5/9

A poetical reply Valiant to Timon and Lysander

No. 26 (1810-06-19)D8760/F/FEP/5/9

Invocation to Sleep
Dido to Ictinus
Philomel and Rosa

No. 27 (1810-07-03)D8760/F/FEP/5/10

The Rape of the Veil

No. 28 (1810-07-14)D8760/F/FEP/5/10

The Complaint of the Sylphs
Epistle to a Lady
The Attic Chest to Her Respected Friends

No. 29 (1810-11-20)D8760/F/FEP/5/11

Invocation to the Muses
Elegy, on the Death of Princess Amelia

No. 30 (1810-12-05)D8760/F/FEP/5/11

The Foxes Caught in Their Own Trap

No. 31 (1810-12-18)D8760/F/FEP/5/11

On Phosphorus
The Fop’s Distress

No. 32 (1811-01-15)D8760/F/FEP/5/12

Elegy, on the Death of 1810

No. 33 (1811-01-30)D8760/F/FEP/5/12

To the Author of the Stanzas to Memory
Since Phosphorus was the Name of Yore
Ornaments of Dress
Vox Stellarum concluded

No. 34 (1811-02-12)D8760/F/FEP/5/12

To Miranda
The Restoration Cantos 1 and 2

No. 35 (1811-02-26)D8760/F/FEP/5/13

To Ictinus
The Pen’s Remonstrance
To Titania from Ellen
To Maria, on the expiration of the mourning Feb 14 1811
To Miss M. D.
On a Young Lady’s Thanking the Author for a Valentine
The Reply to “Say Love What Master”
The Restoration Canto 3rd → Miss Porden

No. 36 (1811-03-12)D8760/F/FEP/5/13

The Restoration Canto 4th, Canto 1st Book 2nd
Answer to the Enigma

No. 37 (1811-03-26)D8760/F/FEP/5/13

Swallows on their Arrival 1809
Swallows on their Departure 1809
To the Author of the Acrostic, to Eliza
To Celia
The Cambrian Advertisement
The Restoration Book 2d Canto 2d

No. 38 (1811-04-09)D8760/F/FEP/5/14

To Celia
The Three Suitors
The Restoration Book 2d Canto 3d

No. 39 (1811-04-23)D8760/F/FEP/5/14

To Maria
On Hearing the Proxies Read → Miss Porden
Cupid’s Birthday
The Restoration Book 2d Canto 4th

No. 40 (1811-05-07)D8760/F/FEP/5/14

To May
Most Haste, Worst Speed
Translation from the Greek

No. 41 (1811-05-21)D8760/F/FEP/5/14

From the Greek of Oudeis
To Moth, from Stella
The Restoration Book 3d Cantos 1st and 2d

No. 42 (1811-06-04)D8760/F/FEP/5/14

The Restoration Book 3d Cantos 3 and 4

No. 43 (1811-06-18)D8760/F/FEP/5/15

The Morning Was Fine
The Restoration Book 3d Canto 3 and 4

No. 44 (1811-07-02)D8760/F/FEP/5/15

The Lawyer’s Ramble
The Restoration Book 4 Canto 3

No. 45 (1811-07-16)D8760/F/FEP/5/15

To Moth, on Her Birthday
Restoration Book 4th Canto 4

No. 46 (1812-01-08)D8760/F/FEP/5/16

Now Ruddy Autumn
To Amanda
To Papilia
The Comet
The Fairest Blossom of the North
Alas What Tale
Letter to the Editor
The First Book of the Restoration

No. 47 (1812-01-22)D8760/F/FEP/5/16

The Lamentation of the Aldermen
To Moth
The Second Book of the Restoration

No. 48 (1812-02-08)D8760/F/FEP/5/16

Wanted Immediately
Alterations in the Uniform
Letter to the Editor
The Third Book of the Restoration

No. 49 (1812-02-19)D8760/F/FEP/5/16

To Mary
Forgive Sweet Maid
Answer to the Advertisement
The Fourth Book of the Restoration

No. 50 (1812-03-04)D8760/F/FEP/5/17

Account of Mr Bakewell’s first lecture on Geology
The Exchange of Hearts
To Hope
Answer to the Advertisement
The Fifth Book of the Restoration

No. 51 (1812-03-18)D8760/F/FEP/5/17

Account of Mr Bakewell’s second lecture on Geology
To Eborina
Letter from Alopex
Letter from the Advertizing Lady
The Last Book of the Restoration

No. 52 (1812-04-01)D8760/F/FEP/5/17

Account of Mr Bakewell’s third lecture on Geology
To Mary

No. 53 (1812-04-15)D8760/F/FEP/5/17

Account of Mr Bakewell’s third lecture on Geology
Letter from Alopex
Lines to the West Middlesex Water Company
Answer to the Advertisement

No. 54 (1812-04-29)D8760/F/FEP/5/17

Letter from Alopex
What tho’ Soft Slumber
Reply to Amanda
The Advertising Lady’s Interview

No. 55 (1812-05-13)D8760/F/FEP/5/18

Serenade and Reply
To Emma
Account of the Interview
The Advertising Lady’s Rejection
To the Fair Advertiser

No. 56 (1812-05-27)D8760/F/FEP/5/18

Letter from Alopex to the Editress
Answer to the Unfortunate Spinster
The Blue Eye
Answer from Donald
To Anna on Her Birthday

No. 57 (1812-06-17)D8760/F/FEP/5/18

Amid this Festive Scene
Adieu my Patrons

No. 58 (1813-03-17)D8760/F/FEP/5/19

Address “Farewell to Blue Devils”
The Guardian Spirit’s Address

No. 59 (1813-03-31)D8760/F/FEP/5/19

Valentine to Eborina

No. 60 (1813-04-14)D8760/F/FEP/5/20

Capias Latitat to Miss Prudentia Quickset do.

No. 61 (1813-04-28)D8760/F/FEP/5/20

Letter from the Fair Advertiser
Laura to Celia Epistle No. 1
The History of the Garter

No. 62 (1813-05-12)D8760/F/FEP/5/20

Laura to Celia Epistle No. 3
“Again Sweet Spring Delights”
The History of the Garter Parts 3 and 4

No. 63 (1813-05-26)D8760/F/FEP/5/21

“Yes while Youth and Health are mine”

No. 64 (1813-06-09)D8760/F/FEP/5/21

Letter from Electromagus
To Eliza

No. 65 (1813-06-23)D8760/F/FEP/5/22

The Dissolution Pt 1st

No. 66 (1813-07-14)D8760/F/FEP/5/22

The Dissolution
The Attic Chest’s Farewell Address

No. 67 (1814-02-22)D8760/F/FEP/5/23

Probationary Ode signed M.S. Junior
Probationary Ode signed Moth
Probationary Ode Ode signed Atticus Scriblerus
Letter from Electromagus to the Editor
First Lecture on Natural History

No. 68 (1814-03-09)D8760/F/FEP/5/24

Letter from Sir Pertinax Townly
Letter from Electromagus
The 2d Lecture on Natural History

No. 69 (1814-12-07)D8760/F/FEP/5/25

Address from the Spirit of the Attic Chest
On the Visit of Lord Aircastle
Letter from Electomagus
The 3d Lecture on Natural History

No. 70 (1814-12-21)D8760/F/FEP/5/26

St Thomas’ Day
Electromagus to the Editor
The Skull and the Custom House Officer
The 4th Lecture on Natural History

No. 71 (1815-02-22)D8760/F/FEP/5/27

Sir P. Townly
Orosmane à Zaire
The 5th Lecture on Natural History

No. 72 (1815-03-08)D8760/F/FEP/5/28

Letter from Electromagus
Letter from Sir Pertinax Townly
The Philosopher at the Fair
The Lunatics: a Drama in Three Acts

No. 73 (1815-03-22)D8760/F/FEP/5/29

Letter from Electromagus
Letter from Pertinax Townly

No. 74 (1815-12-06)D8760/F/FEP/5/30

Letter from Sir Pertinax Townly
Electromagus on Heat
Estrella: Mr Beauclerc’s Prize Essay

No. 75 (1815-12-20)D8760/F/FEP/5/30

Riddle: Glass
Ditto: Chrysalis
Electromagus on light
Sir P. Townly: The Summer House
Sir P. Townly: The Flowers are Bright on Hill and Dale
The Voltaic Battery

No. 76 (1816-01-30)D8760/F/FEP/5/31

Electromagus on Electricity
Address of Winter to Timour

No. 77 (1816-02-14)D8760/F/FEP/5/31

To Miss Mary Anne King
To Maria
Letter from Pertinax Townly

No. 78 (1816-02-28)D8760/F/FEP/5/32

To Zara
The Leyden Jar

No. 79 (1816-03-13)D8760/F/FEP/5/32

L’Acerbo No. 1
Letter from Pertinax Townly
The Fairies’ Isle
Laila: An Arabian Tale

No. 80 (1816-03-27)D8760/F/FEP/5/33

L’Acerbo No. 2
Emma: A Ballad
Khatoon: A Persian Tale

No. 81 (1816-04-24)D8760/F/FEP/5/33

L’Acerbo No. 3
Farewell to Henrietta
Letter from Pertinax Townly
Komalda: An Indian Tale

No. 82 (1816-05-08)D8760/F/FEP/5/34

Letter from Pertinax Townly
Letter from Electromagus
Telasco: An American Tale

No. 83 (1816-05-22)D8760/F/FEP/5/34

Letter from Pertinax Townly
Kuban Khan: A Tartarian Tale

No. 84 (1816-06-05)D8760/F/FEP/5/35

Charade: Tyrant

No. 85 (1816-07-15)D8760/F/FEP/5/35

The Reading Baker

No. 87 (1817-03-04)D8760/F/FEP/5/37

Archibald McLeasing to his publisher
Letter from France: Lavinia to Eliza

No. 88 (1817-03-18)D8760/F/FEP/5/37

Answer to the Advertisement from Atticus Scriblerus
Lavinia to Eliza Letter 2
The Fete in the Sun

No. 89 (1817-04-15)D8760/F/FEP/5/38

Lavinia to Eliza Letter 3

No. 90 (1817-04-29)D8760/F/FEP/5/38

Lavinia to Eliza Letter 4

No. 91 (1817-05-13)D8760/F/FEP/5/39

A Lovers Song, translated by Anacreon Lovelorn
Lavinia to Eliza Letter 5
An Arabian Anecdote

No. 92 (1817-05-27)D8760/F/FEP/5/39

John Bull to the Editor
A Decima par Blondel with a Chorus
Lavinia to Eliza Letter 6
The Quest of the Muse

No. 93 (1817-06-10)D8760/F/FEP/5/40

Lavinia to Eliza Letter 7
The Quest of the Muse continued signed ER

No. 94 (1818-05-19)D8760/F/FEP/5/41

The Count’s Adventures at Calais
Euphrosyne to Pomona
The Wren a Manx Legend

No. 95 (1818-06-02)D8760/F/FEP/5/41

Hassan: a Tale