The Lamentation of the Aldermen

Miss Porden

Alas! what means this great, this sudden change,
 In City pageants and in City dinners,
An alteration sad as it is strange
 To well fed knights and gormandizing sinners.

Last year no feast announced the new Lord Mayor
 And, now to atone for such a grievance past
When each resolved to eat a double share,
 We found alas! the expected feat aghast.

What lack of turtle on the lengthened board,
 How few the haunches, partridges and pheasants,
Sure in two years the City might afford
 One feast superior to a common peasants.

Spirit of gormandizing! art thou fled,
 From this blest Isle so long thy lov’d retreat,
Where thou so long in regal state hast fed,
 On well fed turkeys and on good green fat.

Oh come blest spirit! at our call return
 Nor let sour temperance usurp thy reign,
Nor let us common sense dull influence mourn,
 Goddess of gluttony return again!


November 11th