Forgive Sweet Maid

Miss Porden

Forgive sweet maid, that one unknown
 Or else by thee forgotten long
Now dares to make his passion known
 And here address his simple song.

Yet on this day is love allowed
 (Tho’ friendship oft his garb may borrow)
Distinguished from the vulgar crowd
 To tell his artless tale of sorrow.

Canst thou sweet maid the time recall
 The happy but the fatal hour
When at the mirth inspiring ball
 I felt thy modest beauty’s power.

Yet ’twas not beauty caused alone,
 My low-drawn sigh, my ardent gaze
Nor is it now to worth unknown
 My tender heart its tribute pays.

No, when of heavenly harmony
 We spoke thy voice so sweetly told
Our hearts were strung in sympathy
 Our minds confessed a kindred mould.

Thy thoughts, thy tastes so just I found
 That while I listened rapture fraught
Love o’er my heart his garland wound
 I in his flowery chains was caught.

Then pity his destructive rage,
 Let kindred chains our hearts entwine
Oh deign my torments to assuage,
 And be dear maid my Valentine.