Come oh sleep with swiftest wing
Here thy potent poppies bring
Dipped in Lethe’s silent spring
And upon my temples fling
In this bower which I have chose
Here forgetful of my woes
Free from danger, free from foes
Let me for a time repose
Let me in some pleasing dream
Sporting with the fairies seem
Where fall Cynthia’s silent beam
Or the verdant grass doth stream
Or let around my nodding head
Fair seraphic forms be spread
While the hours with arrowy tread
Round the earth incessant speed
Or in sweet Elysian bowers
On a bed of deathless flowers
Nourished by ambrosial showers
Pass away the happy hours
Come then O Sleep with swiftest wing
Here thy potent poppies bring
Dipped in Lethe’s silent spring
And upon my temples fling
June 18th 1810