When First by Gentle Ouse
Not in a Lover’s Humble Strains
Enigmatical Valentine
Answer to the Advertisement
To Friendship
Written with a Crow Quill
The Remonstrance
Letter from the West Indian
Lady Flora
Letter from Martinus Scriblerus Jr.
Circular on the Same Subject
Address for the Opening of the Chest
Written for the Opening of the A.C.
On Proud Britannia’s Rocky Seat
Address, from the Spirit of the Attic Chest
Rokeby, a new comic opera
The Pen’s Address
To my Husband
Lady Belle Bluemantle to the Editor
A Moral Tale
Do. from Barnaby Scratch
The Farewell
An ex-Members Lamentation
An Antient Fragment found in a Skeleton Case
Jeffrey Julep to the Editor
Kitty Maltravers to the Editor
Mr Julep’s Memorandums
Fragment Found in the Hermitage
Dr Cardamom to the Editor
The Night before the Battle
Kitty Maltravers to the Editor
Letter from Lady Belle Bluemantle
Song for a Festive Occasion
Michael Mitre to the Editor
The Invisible Cap
The Rendezvous
Probationary Ode from Sir Pertinax Townly
The Hermitage
The First Brother’s Tale
Reply to Anacreon’s 8th Ode
Letter from Mr Beauclerc
Fragment of an Odd
The Elfin Harp
Address to the Spirit of Attic Nights
Hermes Caduceus
Ode by Olivia Gossamer
Ode by Miss Stormont
The 2d Brother’s Tale
The Third Brother’s Tale
Sir P. Townly
An Attempt
The Lovers Calendar for 1815
A Fairy’s Song
Mr Beauclerc
Sir P. Townly
Philemon to Olivia
The 4th Brother’s Tale
New Epistle
Music to the Fairy’s Song
Address from Philemon Beauclerc
To Olivia
The Lunatics: a Drama in Three Acts
Translation of a Hebrew Valentine
A Hebrew Valentine
A Hebrew Song Paraphrased
Translation by Rachel Periera
A Lesson for Lovers
The Fifth Brother’s Tale
Lady Olivia Gossamer’s Prize Essay
“The Phoenix sent Cards”
“When Norway’s Monarch knelt to gain”
Letter from Prosai Poetico
The 6th Brother’s Tale
Advertisement of the Hermits for the 7th Brother
Address. Ex parte Pocket Handkerchief
Mr Beauclerc to the Editor
Balance of Opinions on Women
Plan for a Lottery
The 7th Brother’s Tale
Closing Address from the Hermitage
Letter from Pertinax Townly
First Chapter of a Novel
Love in April
Letter from Peregrine Project
The Wreath
The Gamut of Faces
Answer to the Wreath
Acrostic to Miss Porden on Her Poem
Letter from Prosai-Poetico
Four Nations: The Saxon
Four Nations: The Swede
Letter from Atticus Scriblerus
Letter from Pertinax Townly
Four Nations: The Jew
Letter with Sir Gilbert’s Heiress
Letter from Philemon Beauclerc
Address of the Bridegrooms
The Spectre’s Isle
Edwin and Angelina
To EAP on Her Birthday
Sales by Auction
Letter from Pertinax Townly
An Attic Bard to His Bride
Fourth Day’s Sale
A Translation from the Persian
Sonnet to a Tea Kettle
From Prosai-Poetico to Beauclerc
The Thirteenth of June
Valentine with a Repeating Watch
The New Coin of Parnassus
The 1st Act of the Novice of St Benedict
The Lost Muse
The Waterloo Button
The Festival of Nauruz
Persian Verses from Sadi
Translation of Vive l’Amour
Rosamond’s Chest
The Novice of St Benedict Concluded
Speak English Pray!
Atticus Scriblerus to Olivia
King Edward and Fair Agnes
The pas trois
Atticus to Rodelinda
Honesty’s Promotion
Dr Brewster to Ellen with his Kaleidoscope
To the Authoress of the Arctic Expeditions
The Canal to the Brook
The Cairngorm Diamond
Count Leandre with some Greek