Fourth Day’s Sale, May 21st
250 | A fine Roman Coin in large Brass, Caracell very rare | |
251 | One struck at Tyre, a Palm Tree and Shell Fish, well preserved | Unsold |
252 | The Brass Kettle thrown by Mrs de Castro at her Husband’s Ghost. Bot. by Mrs Bustleton’s order for | £11 12s 2½d |
253 | The First Skewer work in a Lady’s Bodice in England. Bot. by the Antiquarian Society | £36 0s 0d |
254 | A Cobweb brought from King Pepin’s Palace. Bot. by Ditto | £100 0s 0d |
255 | Hugo Grottius’s wig found petrified in an Excavation near Serjeants’ Inn. Bot. by Counsellor Anyside | 5s 0d |
256 | A Black Letter Copy of Tom Thumb’s History, with Annotations & Emendations. Knock’d down to Mr Ritson but claimed by Mr Pinkerton for | £10 15s 0d |
257 | A Mechanical Dog for a Lady’s Fireside invented by Lord Aircastle | |
258 | A Cat (companion to the above) Bot. by Barnaby Scratch for Tabby Hall | £5 0s 0d |
256 | A Plan to take likenesses by maps of the Longitude and Latitude of Faces A ABC printed by Costar of Haarlem will be given with this lot. (Both bot. for Ld. A.) |
257 | A Silk Cloak & Glass Clogs to repel Electric Fluid in a Thunderstorm. Bot. by Professor Blinkensop | £39 5s 0d |
258 | A Handmill containing 250 Political Plans to be whirled around & transposed at Pleasure till perfect. Bot. by an ex-Minister for | £2 0s 0d |
259 | The GRAND VOLTAIC BATTERY invented by Professor Electromagus to excite dormant ideas & stimulate deficient Brains. Bought by a Workman for Paternoster Row for Messrs L & Co. | £800 0s 0d |
251 | A Carpet highly electrified Plus, designed for the Ballroom at Aircastle. Bot. by the Opera Ballet Master for | £6 6s 0d |
252 | A superb set of Magnetic Plates with burnished Steel Knives & Forks. Bought for the London Tavern | £26 10s 0d |
253 | A Head-dress of spun glass worn by Electromagus’s Pupils to prevent the Electric Fluid’s escape from their Brains. Bot. by the Editors of the E.R. | £8 15s 0d |
254 | A Metallic Pen used as a Conductor. Bot. by a member of the Attic Society | £1 1s 0d |
255 | A Vase of Zinc & Silver to neutralize Wine. Bot. by the Vintner’s Company | £13 10s 0d |
266 | A Bottle of Carbonic acid gas. Bot. by a Physician for an Hypochondriac patient | 8s 0d |