Blessed Be the Eye

Miss Vardill

Blest be the eye which brightest shines
When pleasure leads her sportive train!
Blest be the gentle hand which twines
A myrtle leaf for FRIENDSHIP’s fame!
 That eye shall light Apollo’s fire,
 That hand directs his softest lyre.

Yet, ELLEN, let not lavish praise
Too fondly deck a sister’s shrine;
Thy sister-minstrel’s votive lays
Are but the semblances of thine:
 For FRIENDSHIP’s brightness, like the morn’s,
 Creates the beauty it adorns.

As often thro’ refracting glass
The sun bestows diminish’d light,
Thro’ mine thy fair ideas pass
And sparkle, tho’ less richly bright;
 Thus in my fancy’s mimic stream
 Thy wit beholds its soften’d beam.

Long may the hour to FRIENDSHIP dear
Thy wit’s ethereal beam employ!
May ev’ry hour when thou art near
Awake to life another joy!
 Thy social heart itself shall prove
 The birth-place of Content and Love!