We had hoped that our friends would have honor’d our closing Attic Night with a more ample supply. They have perhaps however judged wisely in leaving a portion of time for the unprecedented number of acknowledgements to be made in the course of this evening. Our present list embraces three seasons, and we are not quite certain that we shall not have to prompt the memories of some of our correspondents, who may have forgotten their own good deeds, tho’ they still live in the remembrance of others. We do not however forget that ours can be only conjectural prompting.
The letter addressed to Mr Beauclerc, and found in his apartment, appears to be the commencement of a plan to which we may look for much amusement in some future season, when we shall perhaps regret that it has been disjointed from its successors. The Search after Happiness is so general that we have no doubt the numbers of the Society will rapidly augment, and that Mr Beauclerc will be glad to secure an early admission, unless he should discover that he is already possess’d of the gem of which its members are in quest.
The Reading Baker is a story which occasioned us a hearty laugh when we first heard it. We are not however certain that it does not tell better in prose than in verse.
The Felpham song is a pleasing tribute on the subject of the Royal Nuptials, and the lines to Hope, tho’ on a theme which has employed every muse will please by their elegant simplicity.
The Address from Time has been long in the Attic Chest, and was deferred in the hope that the time of its reading might coincide with the day for which it is written, and our hearers will we are assured rather thank the contributor for the pleasure they receive than quarrel with us for having held it so long.
We have been very much amused with the poem entitled “The Thirteenth of June”. Many of the events of that evening are dressed by fancy in so elegant a garb, that it cannot fail to give to all its hearers the gratification we have ourselves received from it.
We are now arrived at the close of our labours for the Season; and have only to express our thanks to our members for the exertions which have enabled the Attic Chest at least to support the high character it had before attained, and our hopes that we may yet look forward to other meetings as brilliant as these which will long remain a bright leaf in the book of memory.