We are sorry to find that in this number we must bid adieu to Positive House. The Institution is dissolved and even the copious supply of bride cake on the table will not reconcile us to the loss of our lively and instructing correspondents. We cannot say that we lament the self deception of Electromagus, with regard to the inspiring power of electricity. To us and our circle it has been a rich fund of amusement, and our hope and wishes will be much disappointed if any of is pupils should hereafter find reason to regret their sojourn in Positive House. To himself also we trust it will not be a permanent source of chagrin. His letter shows that his character rises in misfortune, and we trust that the friendship of Mr Beauclerc and Sir Pertinax Townly will soon be efficious in restoring him to comfort and confidence. We scarcely yet know what to think of Mr Scriblerus’s conduct. Did he feel it so blameless as he would wish us to believe, why should he not have stepped boldly forward, and have asserted to Lord Aircastle his claims to the gold box or to the fragment of his bill. But we feel that we are here anticipating our readers.
The Editor and Editress of the Attic Chest are proud to find themselves, like the knights errant of old, the protectors of all forlorn and distressed damsels and we are very willing to take the forlorn Mopsey under our protection. As the first proof of our good-will we advise her in her projected visit to the Serpentine to look before she leaps and consider seriously whether she would wish to reward the faithless Atticus with the celebrity of having driven a fair damsel to so desperate an act. At any rate we advise her to take care that some of the humane society are in attendance on the occasion.
We are much pleased at the attention paid by the author of the National Tale to our request of their continuation and return him our thanks for the American Tale.
The Editor of “The Spectre’s Isle” has observed that it is not graced with such brilliant colouring as “The Fairies’ Isle” but we do not perceive the truth of this assertion; and are sorry to find it is intended as the last communication of Mr Scriblerus.
Mrs Eliza Brush has improved very much in her style from the repetition of her visits to the Voltaic Battery. If Electromagus had not declared the belief in the inspiring power of electricity to be a dream, we should have found it difficult not to believe her indebted to it.