
Our correspondents have not we think, been so voluminous in their contributions this week, as on many former occasions, but when we reflect on the excellence of those which they have furnished, we should feel it unjust as well as foolish to complain that we have not the common spirit, rather than the distilled Ether.

We are obliged to Mr Beauclerc for his commencement of a series of essays, and hope we shall not be disappointed of their continuation. Since the commencement of Attic Meetings, we have been favoured with several introductory papers, which we were induced to hope would have been followed in brilliant succession, but they have generally stopped after the second or third number. We hope that L’Acerbo will be longer lived, and that Mr Beauclerc will be stimulated by the smiles of our audience to frequent and successful exertions.

We know not what our friends will say of the strange pranks played by Mr Atticus Scriblerus, but it seems as if his masquerading were likely to be followed by some important discoveries; none of these, will however, we should be inclined to believe, strike us with more unfeigned astonishments, than the acknowledgement from Sir Pertinax Townly that he is “in the high road of matrimony”. We rejoice particularly at the fortunate circumstance which induced him to make the tender of his hand to the fair Erminia, before he was aware that she possessed other wealth than her personal charms, tho’ if we have any knowledge of Sir Pertinax we do not think this disclosure likely to diminish the warmth of his affection. But pray, what is the connection which Mr Beauclerc and Lady Olivia seem to have with this mysterious affair. We have perceived two or three slight hints in the letters of Philemon, and that of Atticus seems to place his co-operation beyond a doubt. We hope for the Lady’s sake to receive a speedy solution of this part of the mystery.

We have received another of the Tales of the Four Nations, entitled “The Swede”. We had overlooked a hint sent with the former communication, that these tales have already appeared in print, but their grand merits and assurance that they were, in reality, originally composed for the Attic Chest, makes us entertain no doubt of their meeting a favourable reception from our members. We are very much amused by “The Englishman” but we fear that its humour can scarcely be appreciated by those who are not familiar with “The Saxon” of our last number, as well as with Lord Byron’s recent poem of “The Siege of Corinth”. The description of the pickpockets, and the deprecation of mud, are exceedingly happy parodies.

We are much pleased with Laila, and still more so with the promise of a succession of Oriental Tales. As the author professes for his object the discrimination of the peculiar styles of the different Eastern nations, it would be difficult to decide on his merits until his paean be completed.

The third number of the Modinhas leaves us only one subject of regret — that it is the last, but we trust that the authors will not permit it to be their closing effort in a species of composition which appears so well adapted to their talents. Many of our English airs are worthy of better poetry than that usually annexed to them and a series of elegant and appropriate words would be prized as a welcome gift by the Attic Warblers.

Sir Pertinax appears to have been indeed inspired by the fair Erminia. His success in the Fairies’ Isle is indeed greater than we had anticipated from our former acquaintance with his muse and if indeed, as he takes great pains to assure us, this production be really original, we shall be more than ever angry with him for trusting his poetic fame to the labours of others.