
The readings of this evening will commence with a little poem from Fitz Almanac hinting that our Attic Amusements have power to dispel the gloom of St Thomas’s Day. Unfortunately for this Son of Song, Dr Moore (for we presume he has consulted his ingenious work) has deceived him, for this day, far from being dismal or uncomfortable, has worn a brighter aspect than most of its predecessors. However the poem is very elegant and we shall have no objection to Fitz Almanac’s furnishing us with a Clavis Calendaria for the whole season.

We have received a contribution from an unexpected quarter. An ode from a young elêve of Tabby Hall, a Kitten, which some of our members may probably remember from its playful gambols at our last meeting. This little creature was, half by accident, half in sport, pent a few minutes in the Attic Chest, and such was the inspiring effect of the consecrated wood, and the visions displayed to the enraptured gaze of the little Felinia, that thoughts and words, and above all the power of impressing them on paper, came at once to her mind. The ode is a good specimen of feline genius, and tho’ the handwriting is a little scratchy we should not be sorry to hail her again as our correspondent.

The Memoirs of a Ridicule are very well written and may give good advice to all those who have fashionably discarded the pocket for this modern substitute. The Ridicule appears to inherit the sprightliness and fluency of its native country.

Ensign Court Plaister is a witty gentleman of the old school, yet we cannot say that we are much grieved at his banishment from the Ladies Toilette. He is now in his most useful and appropriate situation.

We are much amused by the third Brother’s Tale, tho’ it contains not his own history but that of his great, great, grandfather. How is this?

The productions of Positive House are as usual voluminous. The letter from Sir Pertinax deferred at the last reading for want of time will of course lead the van and be followed by the letter of Electromagus, Mr Scriblerus Junr. and a craniological poem by Mr Beauclerc. We sympathize in the misfortunes of Electromagus and his patron, but we fear they have attempted what can never be obtained and that aerial travellers must forever be contented to trust themselves to the mercy of the winds.

We are much surprised at the severe complaint made against Sir Pertinax by young Atticus. The ungentlemanly conduct of the Baronet must warn him to be in future more cautious with respect to his employers. Yet we cannot help thinking that if Atticus had had his wit enlivened at the moment by a friendly stroke of electricity we might have devised some plan for drawing both himself and his friend out of the scrape altogether, and the gratitude of Sir Pertinax would doubtless have rewarded his ingenuity by paying him at least double price for the poem.

The fourth physiological Lecture will be introduced in the course of the readings.