
In our last paper we feared we had bade adieu to the sprightly inhabitants of Tabby Hall, and that its annals were, according to the usual custom, to close with the nuptials of the various parties. In this however we have been agreeably disappointed, owing perhaps to the circumstance of two of these Turtles being as yet unmated, notwithstanding reports to the contrary. Indeed we cannot help considering the anger of Mr Michael Mitre and Miss Kitty Maltravers as exceedingly well founded, and join with them in wishing that all persons would have more regards to truth in such cases, and not circulate false reports in future. Not that we suspect Lady Belle or the author of the Dissolution of having intended to mislead us — they most probably had been themselves imposed upon, and imposed on others in return. Indeed we should be very much disposed to believe that this report is only prophetic, as notwithstanding the vehemence with which the reported wedding is denied by both parties, we think we discover symptoms of lurking tenderness in their epistles which would lead us to suspect this event to be neither very improbable nor very far distant. Be this as it may we sincerely wish happiness to all the late inhabitants of Tabby Hall, and join with Lady Belle in the hope that peace and harmony may result from the various “conjugations.”

The Invisible Cap is a beautiful little tale. We believe the circumstances which gave rise to it are known to many of our readers, but the knowledge of them is not required to enhance its merit.

Our audience will be pleased to hear that we have received a second translation from Metastasio’s “The Recantation”, the companion to that entitled “Liberty” read on our last evening. The song written in 1773 and the epistle from a gentleman in a government office to one in Edinburgh in imitation of Burns are both pleasing poems. The Editress returns her thanks to S.R. and the translator of the pretended Romaic fragment for their very elegant compliments and kind wishes. She will endeavour to merit them.

In closing our Chest for the Season, we have contemplated with pride and pleasure the list of the various contributions that have adorned it. In comparing it with our last, and that with former seasons, we again distinguish the mark of progressive improvement in all our correspondents, and trust this will not be the last time we shall thus congratulate them, but that thy may return at the end of the summer, with harps new strung, and additional vigour, to enliven with social intellectual intercourse the gloomy hours of winter.