It is with much regret we have to inform our friends that the Society of Tabby Hall is no more. The wiles of Cupid have succeeded and the amiable and interesting spinsters who composed it have given a fresh proof of the fickleness of their nature by entering with one consent into the holy estate of matrimony, and in their union with various officers of the establishment, present some striking examples of that contrast of character recommended by some philosophers as the ground-work of connubial happiness. It is true that discord is the parent of harmony, that the most violent and active elements produce harmless compounds, and that a certain proportion of bitter is necessary to give a zest to sweet. But altho’ two beings whose thoughts, tastes, and feelings were precisely in union would be the most insipid companions in the world, we think the principle of contrast may be carried too far, and do not prognosticate much felicity from the “conjugation” of Miss Quickset and the accomplished Pirouette. Miss Botherum might observe that it is like the combination of hydrogen and carbonic acid, the one light and inflammable, the other ponderous and extinguishing flame. But as this union is formed precisely on the principle recommended by Mr Bickerstaff and pursued by his family, we trust the posterity of this charming pair, partaking the nature of both their parents, will produce that golden mean which results from the combination of extremes.
From the conjunction of the fair Barbara and Dr Atom, we confess we have serious apprehensions, not for themselves only but the whole world. Between them they may re-produce the chaos — It will be a charming employment for Miss Squib, if her domestic duties should not occupy too much of her time, to give us an account of the private history of these amicable pairs. It is a subject precisely suited to her nature.
Our hearers we are confident will sympathize with us, in the pleasure we feel at the restored sight of St Agnes and in wishes for the felicity of herself and Dr Cardamom. We hope the sprightly author of “The Dissolution” will not neglect to continue his poem to the celebration of this happy event.
We cannot sufficiently admire the undaunted courage of Mr Scriblerus. Not contented with denying the assistance of the wondrous Electromagus, he attacks him as “a cheat, a quack, a bold impostor,” and calls for justice with unwearied voice. With his Art of Cookery we have been much pleased, and hope he will not neglect to favour us with further specimens, but the source to which he ascribes his poetical inspiration is a little extraordinary. If good eating be the true source of genius, what brilliant repartees ought we not to hear at every city banquet. It would be in truth “the feast of reason and the flow of soul”. Our aldermen ought to be the sublimest poets, and those bards who complain of their meagre fare, should be struck at once from the Rolls of Fame, they should no longer write that they may eat, but eat that they may write. But perhaps it is with them as it is with carnivorous animals — and hunger inspires them with new strength and new energies in the search of that food which alone can enable them to continue their exertions. Be this as it may we hope that the sandwiches &c. &c. this evening may produce their wanted effect upon the mind of Atticus Scriblerus, and not on him alone, but may extend their beneficial influence to all our company, to the destruction of many a sheet of yet unspotted paper, and the lasting honour of themselves and of the Attic Chest.
Our fair friends may be surprised to hear that Lysander who distinguished himself in a former season by a violent attack on their sex, is now doing penance for his temerity and sighing at the feet of Hernia. Such is the inconstancy of human nature. It is unnecessary for us to praise the beautiful translation from Metastasio. Its excellence will be felt by all our readers, and in it we seem to discover the traces of a well known hand that has culled for the Attic Chest some of its sweetest flowers. We expected from the style to have found the signature of Orlando Disperato and were already congratulating him in our own minds on his escape from the tyranny of his ungrateful fair, but we were disappointed.
The dialogue between Dr Atom and Rhythmus in imitation of a recent publication contains much excellent criticism for our orators. The prevailing inattention to the proper enunciation of the vowels has robbed our language of much of its beauty and harmony, and we trust that the exertions of Rhythmus notwithstanding his vanity and inflation, may be instrumental in restoring the unfortunate elements to their proper rank. There is much genuine wheat in his works though it may be obscured by the chaff which covers it.
As this Dialogue is somewhat long, if it should be found tedious part may be deferred to a future opportunity.