The eloquence natural to the fair sex has often been mentioned both by poets and philosophers and some have even gone so far as to wish to restrain the ladies in the use of that delightful organ, the tongue. Formerly however it was easy for these cynics to avoid in absence the effusion of a talent they were unable properly to value, but since the ladies have learned to talk on paper, absent or present they are equally able to assail us. What then must be the situation of the Editor who since the last meeting has been overwhelmed by the favours of the multiplied inhabitants of Tabby Hall, who being the genuine daughters of Eve are all exceedingly curious, and as incapable of containing a secret as a sieve is of holding water. On this occasion however the gentlemen appear to be as well inclined to talk as the ladies and the Editress has been repeatedly applied to for her interest, real or supposed, in the disposal of the important offices of Solicitor and Treasurer to the Society of Vestals. the lawyers indeed are privileged to talk, it is a part of their profession and she leaves them to plead their own cause.
But those of the Attic Society who remember the trial in a former season, will wish success to the application of their old friend Gallus, and lament that his communication is so brief. Mr Capias Latitat in addressing himself to Miss Prudentia Quickset seems to think that if he is able to undermine and obtain possession of this citadel of delicacy and decorum, the rest will surrender of course, while Mr Allcourt Anyside is determined to convince or confound the poor females by his Latin and his citations. The Editress also leaves the fair Recluses to decide on the pretensions of the Banking Gentlemen, who seem disposed by the number of their letters to increase the paper currency by which they have already profited so much. She thinks it will be a drawn battle between the youth and accomplishments of Mr Ledger and the wealth and security of his friend Croesus. As it is impossible that all these effusions should be brought forward in one evening the Editor and Editress hope that none of their other correspondents will be offended when they declare that they have even been obliged to defer an epistle from the advertising lady who excited so much interest in the former season as well as those of the fascinating Lady Belle Bluemantle and her accomplished soubrette, that of the Philosophical Cabinet Maker of Holborn, and the complaint of Mr Barnaby Scratch whose condition appears to be truly deplorable.
In the article of poetry we cannot complain of being overstocked. The Muses appear to be taking a comfortable nap during the hot weather as the tortoise does in the winter. The poems which we have selected for this evening appear notwithstanding to have been composed before they went to sleep, as they exhibit no symptoms of torpor. The poem addressed “To My Husband” is a worthy companion of the “Lines to My Wife” read in our last number and the Tragic Horrors of Remorse will rival the lighter charms of Rokeby. The Rebus signed Sphinx is beyond our comprehension. The Enigma and the Lines signed R. are both elegant. We have been favoured by a friend with an unpublished poem of Cowper’s, of the humorous kind, which we present for the amusement of our friends.