On this day when our Casket must close for the season we see with particular pleasure the numerous compositions which our contributors have furnished and congratulate them on the merit which distinguishes their productions and casts a degree of splendour on the setting sun that has not been equalled in any preceding year. In viewing the pieces that have appeared both in prose and verse we observe a progressive improvement which convinces us that our friends only want time and leisure to attain a high degree of literary excellence. The two larger poems “The Restoration” and “The Sylphiad” though we must consider them in the light of sketches for more elaborate works, display a degree of invention, imagination, and knowledge with such a facility of versification as would do honour to poets of much maturer years than their authors will be found to be when they step forward and acknowledge their works.
Of the smaller poems several are of superlative merit and the prose letters concerning and from the Advertising Lady are lively and ingenious. The characters of the Lady and her several suitors are well drawn and supported with wit and humour of no common value.
We forbear to particularize the poems that will be read this evening, but we crave pardon from our friends for the omission of several pieces that would be heard with approbation if the business of acknowledgement and confession would have allowed us time to bring them forward. They will receive due honour in the next season.
We have now only to express our gratitude to the friends who have honoured the Attic Chest with their attention and support, and our best wishes for a cheerful summer, and a happy meeting when the cold and clouds of November call them again to our fire-side.