
The day of St Valentine which invites the youthful poet to declare his amorous wishes and to praise the object of his affections has this year been peculiarly propitious to the fair Eborina and stored our coffers with verses that rise far above the customary compliments of the season. For the truth of this character we appeal to the taste and judgement of our audience. The name by which this lady is known in these mundane regions is prettily played upon in the verses signed in a German text. The furious ebullition by the poor waxy gentleman who at the concert had his senses so absorbed by the charms of the damsel that he stood motionless under the dripping chandelier till his coat was cased and his mouth closed with spermaceti breathes more of anger than affection, yet we must acknowledge that he scolds in good verse and displays eloquence and ingenuity in his rage. He is somewhat more severe in his ill wishes at the close of his poem than the loss of a coat and a scalded gullet will justify yet who knows but this anger so well expressed may make more impression on the wayward fair than the usual whinings of flowery meads and purling streams in which the hopeless lover sighs and dies! Some fortresses are conquered by sap and insinuation but Wellington takes them by storm. The tenderer strain is adopted by the swains whose poems will next be read and if the lady is to be won by gentle love displayed in well written verse her judgement may be puzzled in deciding between EE and John.

The beautiful drawing of the rose in most eloquent silence compliments our sweet visitor and is not less ingenious in thought than beautiful in execution. The comparison of love to that flower in the verses addressed “To Mary” whether by the same hand or another is a beautiful commentary on the drawing. After this will come the pleasant effusion of Phelim o’Flanagan whose verses as well as his name have a smack of the shamrock. Such are the tributes which beauty, wit, and good humour have drawn from the ingenious and sensible. Among such a number of worthy suitors we must confess it is difficult to choose but lovely damsel do not hesitate too long

“The traitor time is ever on the wing And winter tramples on the skirt of spring”

and make hay while the sun shines is an antient proverb of acknowledged wisdom. Though the warmth of love seems to have a greater affinity with Eborina than the Editress yet she has also received the homage of Valentinian and the elective attraction of friendship has done her ample justice while the influence of that attraction causes her to rejoice in the preference given to her friend. Her heart receives with gratitude The Sonnet to Stella and the Enigmatic Valentine which veils the sentiments of friendship in such an ingenious allegory.

We have just received two letters in answer to the advertisement for a husband, one from a stranger and one from Alopex who boasts of his situation as prose writer to our Society. We have nothing more to do than submit their pretensions to the consideration of the lady but we think it right to advise not to lay too much stress on the salary from the Attic Society.

The amusement of the evening will conclude with the 4th Book of the Restoration.