To the Attorney of God Mars

Mr Vignoles

The Worthy Guardian of the Wars

The issue of the Attic trial,
My client gained — nay, no denial!
Let it therefore remembered be
That on this day December three
Notice by me to you was given
To send your client back to heaven
And leave the care of this Society
To Hermes, famous for sobriety
Who never tastes good wine or liquor
In bottles stowed by wife of vicar
But sips the pure Pierian fountain
That springs from yon Parnassian mountain.
Counsel when th’ Attic Meeting gather
In the warm court in frosty weather
Will move said meeting to declare
Hermes the tenant of the chair
Of this poetic learned Soci-
ety of wits — his ’Torny I.


December 3, 1811