Lord Wellington’s Birthday

Mr Hayley, communicated by Mrs Flaxman


To the Lady of Lavant (by the returning post) for her Annual Banquet on the 1st of May which is happily the birthday of Lord Wellington.


Hail the day with festive mirth
Honor’d by a hero’s birth!
Arthur! worthy of the name,
Long the boast of British fame!
Truth may swear, by freedom’s lance,
Thy exploits exceed romance — 


Sing, Lusitania! lovely land!
Now with thy brave deliverer glowing
In joy that makes all hearts expand,
His praise from every lip o’erflowing
That hero is a Flower of May:
Now hail the month in rapture’s measure,
That opens with his natal day,
Who shines as Honor’s living treasure!

O! let thy vines, a fount of health!
Potent to banish care and sadness!
Pour to his name their liquid wealth
In cups of glory, and of gladness!

And fail not now thy voice to raise
O Lavant! large domes excelling!
For Wellington must love the praise
Of truth and friendship’s favorite dwelling.