Grecian Anecdotes

Communicated by Mrs Flaxman

“No Virtuous work can bear a date
Either too Early or too Late”

Chilo a Lacedemonian Ephori says three things are difficult, to keep a secret —  to bear an injury patiently — and to spend leisure well.

Cleobulus of Rhodes tells us to be kind to our friends that they may continue such — and to our enemies that they may become our Friends.

Euclid was banished from Athens (being a Megarean) he however came frequently to Athens (20 miles distant) by night (disguised in a long female cloak and veil) to hear his master Socrates.

His brother being highly offended with him said let me die if I be not revenged on you — and said Euclid let me perish if I do not subdue your resentment by my forbearance and make you love me more than before.

Being ask’d his opinion concerning the gods he said he knew nothing more of them than that they hate inquisitive persons.

Menedemus and Asclepiades — these two young men (and friends) came frequently to Athens to hear Socrates and having no visible means of subsistance they were carried before the Areopagus  — the master of one of the public prisons was at their request send for, who attested, that these youths went every night among the criminals and by grinding with them earned two drachmas, which enabled them to spend the day in the study of philosophy, the magistrates were struck with admiration, dismiss’d them with applause, and a present of 200 drachmas —

Periander of Corinth assures us, pleasure is precarious but virtue immortal!