An Epitaph


Since now the blush of modest merit prais’d,
On his cold cheek can never more be rais’d;
Since rapt’rous to repeat his virtues o’er,
Can agonize his humble ear no more:
Since it no more, his honest heart can wound,
To say that heart was ever faultless found:
To say he always spoke the truths he thought;
Aim’d to do well, and gain’d the end he sought:
To say how warm a friend! a son how kind!
In ease, how thankful! anguish, how resign’d!
Since now, no pain, this well deserv’d applause
Can to his meek and happy spirit cause;
Truth to his worth this grateful tribute pays,
For Truth he lov’d, in ev’ry Form, but Praise.

William Jackson

May 1st, 1810