Address to a Gentleman

Mr Vignoles

Lines addressed to a Gentleman on his Birthday with the Return of his Ingenious and Amusing Poems


 Inspir’d by your charming lines,
 Where wit resplendent ever shines,
And numerous beauties play;
 I seize my pen, but half afraid,
 First call the Muses to my aid,
To hail your natal day.


 May ev’ry comfort here below,
 That man can ask or God bestow,
Attend throughout your life;
 Blest in your children’s rip’ning years,
 May you ne’er suffer carking cares,
Blest too in such a wife.


 Long may your verses pleasure give,
 Increasing always while you live,
And swell the genial page;
 May they still ever witty be,
 And while they flow in number free,
Instruct and please the age.
