Count Léandre to the Editress

Mr Elliott

It is with the révérence the most profonde that I dare to approche myselfe to Miss Porden in takeing the great liberté to her to addresse one litel note.

Charmant object! I would serve myselfe of the language which you make divine, to offer my hommages to the shrine of your attractions, and above all of your lights and of your knowledges, if I should make you see that I might made some progrès in your tongue; mais, en cherchant des mots, je me perds dans mes idées, mes sens se troublent, et, comme dit le Pöete Anglais,

“I forget myself into a marble statue.”

Ah! Miss Porden! Why not can I serve myselfe of the tongue of Pétrarque, and speeke

“Lingua Romana
In Bocca Toscana” ?