We shall open this number with “a sketch from”, not according to “nature” by an unknown hand. It is not usual to to admit drawings into the Attic Chest, but this one form its superior merit and its connection with the humorous poem called “The Constellation” will be shown for the diversion of our auditors. The elegant translation of “The Dove” from Anacreon, we think we trace to the author of the “Anacreontic” in our last number. “Lyra’s translation of Anacreon’s 29th Ode” we receive with pleasure. We are much obliged to our nameless correspondent for the history of “The Flirtations of the Rose” and to Timanthes for his “Verses on a Young Lady who had spoiled a fine complexion by frequenting late Assemblies”. We rejoice at the communication of Desmos, not only on account of its intrinsic merit but because it affords us a proof of the increasing fame of our Attic Repository. We were not before aware that its name had cross’d the Water. The Epigram on Dr. Toe we think we have heard before. The last riddle seems effectually to have puzzled the intellectual faculties of all our ingenious contributors except Don Ferdinando Fudge as he is the only one who has interpreted it. We rejoice in having the power to give our auditors the high gratification of hearing the continuation of conclusion of Fitz-helicon’s excellent poem, which seems to have extinguished the fire of Fitz-Pieria. If we are to believe Fitz-Helicon poor Pegasus is disposed of forever and how Fitz-Pieria will proceed without him, and how he will reconcile Mercury and the Muses to all this revolution in his project we cannot conjecture. It will now be a point of honour for him to defend the veracity of his own story for we suspect that Fitz-Helicon is “selling us a bargain” or in the modern slang is hoaxing us. Be this as it may it is poet versus poet, or fountain versus fountain. If Fitz-Pieria does not defend himself we shall conclude him defunct and call on our correspondents for epitaphs & elegies. The Mob-Cap is deferr’d to a future evening.