The enclosed poem is respectfully presented to the directors of the Attic Chest by a fervent admirer of that classic receptacle of poetic sprigs, who has some hesitation in offering a work already published, altho’ so recently, as to render it probable it may not yet have been seen by any of the learned and various contributors and auditors.
It is sincerely hope that the “Dramatick Flowers” may be found so perfect in the respective parts, as to induce the fair Editress to grant them a benefit night, which will both oblige and gratify.
There the smiling Queen of Love
On the violet bank reposes
There the wife of thund’ring Jove
Rests on a bed of thornless roses.
The tuneful Nine, obedient try
To please her with their harmony
Phoebus, the sovereign of the sky,
Charms with his dulcet melody.
Such throughout these blest abodes
Each heavenly habitants employment
The endless lives of all the gods
Are nothing but delight, enjoyment.