The Power of Love

Mr Elliott

A free Translation of the Comte Léandre de * * *’s “Vive L’Amour” by A.S.


What affords Life’s choicest blessing?
What’s the good best worth possessing
  Grief to heal or joy to more?
Joy his brightest crown can borrow,
Balm distills for ev’ry sorrow.
  From the dear delights of Love
Warmed by Love’s etherial beam
  Smiles dark poverty illume;
Wealth without it is a dream
  Of splendid cares and stately gloom.
Ah, my Friends, all seasons prove
The pow’r and worth of mighty Love!


My boyish heart to fancy waking,
With a dreary void was aching
  Till it owned Love’s soft control;
Then each ravish’d sense was thrilling —
Now, a kindly warmth instilling,
  Constant Love inspires my soul.
Thus in giddy Youth he reigns,
  Thus he charms in Manhood sage,
And his purest fire remains
  To warm the freezing pulse of Age.
Ah, my Friends, all seasons prove
The pow’r and worth of mighty Love!