We have in former seasons been indebted to good St Valentine for many a gem that has sparkled on Attic Evenings, and we have now to thank him for several that shine with no common lustre.
We shall commence our readings with a beautiful poem called “Contemplation” in which an important moral lesson is pleasingly and impressively given. Those of our members who were present at the reading of the Portuguese Melodies, or “words for Modinhas” on a former evening will be pleased to hear us announce a continuation of them tonight, in which the author does not at all forfeit the high character acquired by the former communication.
We are pleased to hear again of Mr Peregrine Project; we feared he had perished in the explosion of some of his own bubbles. We hope he will be successful in his plan for forming an inland sea in the neighbourhood of this metropolis. We most readily extend to him our countenance and support, and will do our utmost to procure him a long list of subscribers, stipulating, at the same time, in return for such support and countenance, that when his scheme shall be completely perfected, we shall receive a gratuitous supply of fish from the fishery to be established on this new Mediterranean, for the refection of our friends on every Attic Evening.
The affairs of Positive House we think appear to be drawing to a crisis. The visit of Lord Aircastle is at hand, the preparations for the day of trial more vigorous than ever, and from the communications of Mr Philowhim it appears evident that Philemon Beauclerc Esq. of Positive House is really the runaway Hermit of St John’s Dale, a discovery that must, we suspect, be followed by some important results. Mr Philowhim, if not Mr Peregrine Project himself in disguise, seems to be one of the same family, and equally ingenious in his inventions.
We are much pleased with the poem on the Battle of Waterloo. It is elegantly and correctly written, and we think many of the passages are in Mr Scott’s happiest manner. Almost all the circumstances of the battle, of any importance, are introduced, and we think it is by far the best poem that has come before us on this subject. We shall be gratified by an introduction to the author.
We are unavoidably compelled to postpone the commencement of “Tales of the Four Nations”, “The Spanish Armada”, and a variety of other contributions.