The three things a good wife ought to be, and the three things a good wife ought not to be.
A wife, domestic, good, and sure,
Like snail should keep within her door;
But not like snail, in dangerous track
Place all her wealth upon her back.
Like a town clock, a wife should be,
Keep time and regularity;
But not like clocks harangue so clear
That all the town the sound may hear
A wife should be like Echo true,
Nor speak but when she’s spoken to;
But not like Echo, still be heard
Contending for the final word.
Young man, if these allusions strike,
She whom as wife you’d hail,
Must be just like, and just not like,
An Echo, Clock, and Snail.
The three things a husband ought to be, and the three things a good husband ought not to be.
A husband, active, skilful, neat,
Like Snail, should form his house complete;
But not like Snail, in dang’rous track
Pull his whole house about his back.
Like a town clock, should husbands prove
Make hand and tongue in order move;
But not like clocks that falsely seen,
Misguide the sight, and cheat the ear.
A husband should like echo be
Reiterate his wife’s decree;
But not like Echo, loud in prate,
Make walls, and roof, reverberate.
Sweet maid, if these just emblems strike,
Thy choice not to bewail,
Must be most like, and yet unlike,
An Echo, Clock, and Snail.
This is the composition of a friend (Miss J...n C...b) The “Three things a good wife ought, and ought not to be.” The author I do not know. F.R.