For the Album of a Friend

Miss Sanders

One vacant tablet of the album spare
And be the page by gratitude impressed
For all that renders Malvern ever dear
The friendship that has sooth’d my troubled breast.

Friend of my youth! what language shall express,
The feelings that my tears alone explain
Words might have pained had I lov’d you less
Or we had met but not to part again!

When’er perus’d thy album’s valued store
Hide from a stranger’s eye this simple lay;
Think only of Eliza seen no more;
The tribute thus her gratitude would pay;
For all thy kindness, when misfortune’s pow’r
And grief and pain that cheer’d the gloomy hour,
And bade awhile the reign of anguish cease.

The rising moon illume the parting cloud,
Together have we watch’d delighted here
On scenes like these shall mem’ry be allowed,
Oft to renew in distance with a tear.

Think when alone the full orb’d moon in view
I too with melancholy pleasure gaze
And as I mark its circuit think on you,
And each memorial of my happier days.

The world still charms affection warm as thine
Soothes ev’ry care Adversity’s stern lot
Believe whilst life and gratitude are mine
The friend so lov’d can never be forgot.
