Of Coughs and Colds

Mr Hinckley

Of coughs and colds these pages treat
To save you from a winding sheet

Take first, a recipe for cough,
At which, who heed it not may laugh.

Well powdered snakeroot first obtain
An hour in boiling water lay,
Three drams to half a pint, then strain
Thro’ paper thin the dregs away.

An ounce and half, when thus refined
A drachm of simple oxymel,
With poppy syrup well combined
Just half a drachm, and thou’lt be well.

Yet in six parts the draught divide
At morn, at noon, at night, to swallow — 
A fasting hour on either side,
And rosy health will surely follow

A fane there is in Oxford Street
To Hebe sacred, served by Bel:

Lo! Dragon sickness licks his feet
For recipes he mixes well 1

For colds, another doctor — pills
Administers of friendly squills
With Ipecacuanha joined
And a mild opiate well combined
But in what portions mingled — he
Will tell you for a moderate fee.

  1. Tho’ I’ve not seen it, I divine
    Bel and the Dragon, are the sign.