
Mr Jekyll: Communicated by Mrs Staveley

Epitaph on Douglas, Duke of Hamilton

Here lies reposed beneath this sculptured stone
All that remains of princely Hamilton
All that remains of beauty, strength and health
Graced by high lineage and the gifts of wealth.

Exulting nature, when the child was born
Lavished her stores the favourite to adorn,
And when the beauteous boy to manhood sprung
Gave grace to motion, to exertion ease,
A mien unrivalled, and a power to please.

She crowned him with perceptions brightest beam
And bathed his heart in friendship’s sacred stream
O’er his fine form her radiant mantle threw,
And with his strength, her choicest talents grew.

Ah gifts neglected, talents misapplied
Favours contemned and fortune unenjoyed!
At this sad shrine the serious man may find,
A striking moral to engage his mind;
And the rash youth who runs his wild career
May tremble at the lesson taught him here,
While baffled nature kneels desponding by
And hails the shade of Douglas with a sigh.