An honest Cambrian having lately lost his cow, as the most effectual means of recovering the same, circulated a printed handbill of which the following is a literal copy —
“This was to biff notice publick that Evan Davies was loosed her Cush out of her packside at Llandeglo. Her cush was have four plack legs & a plack tail & was loosed one tooth out of her mouth; & her cush was ferry fond to kick peoples who was comed nigh her. Evan Davies was thought ferry ott what was maked it coe, from her packside, because Evan Davies whas always biff her so much met as was fill her pelly, which was make Evan Davies to think that some ferry bad meaning person was stoled her. And who heifer will bring her cush pack again, shall haff so much bread and cheese as her can put in her pelly without pay nothing for it. Cot save the King & her Cush has only cot one Eye.”