Attic Nomenclature
A Clerk like Term, and two thirds of that tremendous word, which acts as a lighted Match to the charged Pop Gun of Gentility in a Passion; & is an Affront of the seventh Degree!
A worker in Wax! what you will certainly find in the Course of Tomorrow; the beginning and end of all Negotiation; and what I at this moment imagine is in Danger.
One third of a legal Instrument; and the Father of the greatest Philosopher the world has yet known.
If what is comprised in four of ten component Parts could be applied to me, I should like it well; Take one of these Parts, and add to it three of the remaining Six, you will find what no Lady would wish to be; the rest form what no Lady can be, and the whole what ev’ry Gentleman admires.
To something requisite in a Pastoral Life, add what is incompatible with it.
4/6th of a Sceptic, and what ev’ry man has been.
My first is a vegetable to be meet with both at Bed and Board, essential to Mariners, and a Servant of the Muses.
Add to this, the most wonderful compound of heterogenous Qualities that ever were conglomerated in one Substantive.
Part of a diving Gift, or if you should be singular enough to prefer it as much of what too frequently accompanies that Gift; The beginning of what is far distant — half of what is costly — and what the English Gentleman found in New Spain.
2/8th of what most Ladies delight in one ninth of its accompaniments, a familiar Name for a Protector, and two fifths of a Trial.
If you ask Paddy to unriddle these Riddles, he will Call for the assistance of the Fair Lady whose Name is here intended to be given.
Vivant Omnes