Epistle from a Baker

Communicated by Mr Porden

Wm Porden Esq.


It is with the deepest sense of unfeigned humility and respect that I offer to address you for fear of giving offence but flattering myself that it may not be the case — And if so relying on your wisdom and goodness to forgive me.

Observing this afternoon a Baker at the door I hastily concluded with great sorrow and fear that our Bread had not given the satisfaction desired — I beg to say that if his should be the case — and that there should not be sufficient reason to change that then your goodness will still give me the preference or that after a Trial it should be found that the successor may not suit better — the preference may be still given me — the favor of which shall be esteem’d as great and worthy of the thank fulness of myself and a large Family and who I humbly declare shall always acknowledge the favors with every mark of esteem and gratitude.

At the same time beg that our humble and united thanks will be accepted for the past favors already given us — And by to

Remain with all due
respect your Most Obedient
and very Hbl Sert

John King

Providing the next Baker should live at any inconvenient distance for Baking and Biscuits, we shall always glad as at former times to do the Bakings which always shall have the greatest attention paid them possible and that with thankfulness

If an interview could be allowed, King would esteem it a great privilege to wait on Mr or Miss Porden and endeavour to remove whatever may be the cause of complaint if it was possible either by expense or attention.