Thanking the Author for a Valentine
In chivalry’s resplendent age
When knights with dragons did engage
When giants huge did haunt each land
When magic spread her sable wand
And bade each day at fall of night
Some castle meet the hero’s sight,
Which on the morn would fade away
As tho’ dissolved by Phoebus ray.
Each hero then, his country’s boast,
Singly overcame an armed host,
Or would thro’ magic gardens rove
His courage and his skill to prove,
And there some monstrous beast engage
Emitting fire, whose furious rage
Swift conquered by his arm should lie,
The wonder of posterity.
In that famed age each valiant knight
Enamoured of some damsel bright
Declared that from his mistress’ eyes
Did every great achievement rise.
Her favours gave him strength and might
Her smiles new courage for the fight
So Mary did the opening charms inspire
Thy faithful Henry, with poetic fire
Who lately dared on Cupid’s favourite morn
To lead your mind where arts the scene adorn
No thanks to him you owe, but rather he
For inspiration owes his thanks to thee
But if for him you deem some guerdon meet,
Allow him to renew a task so sweet
Allow him each revealing year to shine
This lovely Mary’s favoured Valentine