If Sheba’s gay queen gave the point up so smooth,
Her Example can ne’er by inferr’d;
For she — good lady-like — held out while she had breath,
Suspecting no man would have talked her to death;
So, compell’d — she renounc’d — The Last Word.
Hence, before ’tis too late, prithee, stop the rash act,
Or your sex will be quickly interr’d:
For as death doth sure silence sweet Philomel’s throat,
So extinction must follow your principal note,
In renouncing your life — The Last Word.
“Hush, hush — simple friend — cease officious advice,”
Say the Ladies — 1st, 2nd & 3rd
“For know — while our sex can exert smiles or looks
We defy all the wisdom you get from your books,
And can manage without — The Last Word.
Finis Hominis