Written in a Young Lady’s Album

Mr Joseph

Written in a Young Lady’s album, who had spoiled a fine complexion by frequenting late assemblies, concerts, etc.

 See where expos’d to chilling dews
Yon night-expanding flow’r1 displays
 Her jaundic’d form, no blooming hues
She wears, & with the morn decays.

 While all the brighter flow’rs of spring
Their glories veiled to rest retir’d
 Wak’d by the bee or zephyr’s wing
With fresher dyes will rise admir’d

 Learn hence ye fair who beauty prize
The gloomy night’s wan influence shun
 Like Flora’s brightest fav’rites rise
And draw new splendor from the sun


  1. The night-blowing Cereus which blows only at midnight, its colours yellow & white.