The Constellation 3

Miss Porden

They entered, they dined, and when dinner was over
His adventures, Roberto began to discover
And when he had fully his history displayed
Respecting the moon some enquiries he made.
And from all that he learnt, it appeared, that tho’ less,
As a world like our own, we that orb must confess.
By this time o’er the moon, Night her curtain had drawn
While the tenants of earth, hail’d the presence of dawn
And our orb, to Roberto’s delight and surprise
Appeared like the moon, tho’ superior in size
Our traveller determined he’d rest until day
And when morning appeared, would proceed on his way
For the Moonite had told him that when he had past
The shadow in space by the moon that was cast
That the sun would forever unclouded appear
And by night uncontrolled, day his journey would cheer.

His advise likewise was and th’ event prov’d it good
That he with him should take a small portion of food
He agreed, and some beef was put up in a basket
With a large piece of tongue, and of wine a full flasket
This prepared, they retired, but scarce had the sun
Next morning his journey diurnal begun
Ere Roberto arose, his acknowledgements made
To the man of the moon for his unlooked-for aid
Then mounted his horse and flew up, with surprise
The Moonite observed them progressively rise
Till the clouds of the moon hid them both from his eyes.
Meanwhile upward and upward Roberto still rode
Letting Pegasus choose out thro’ Æther his road
At last he when arrived near the stars, far above
Caught glimpse of the mansion eternal of Jove
And our traveller gay, thought it now was high time
To try on the saddle his hand at a rhyme
And thus on the scene which he saw and admired
Roberto began, by the saddle inspired.

He longer had sung, but a meteor that past
A reflexion malignant on Pegasus cast
In the midst of the stars the poor steed frighted fell
There remained, but Roberto fared not quite so well
From the saddle he fell, unsupported by aught,
Passed thro’ the dominions of space quick as thought
’Gainst a planet he came with a horrible bump
And split it in quarters, so great was the thump.
And falling still downwards and downwards full soon
Roberto arrived once again in the moon.
Yea, more he arrived in that valley, that’s named
By Ariosto the Poet far famed
Where all thing that are lost upon Earth my be found,
Our traveller felt himself well, safe and sound
For his fall had been broke by a legion of sighs,
And of vows that from Earth did but lately arise
(The proffers of love on St. Valentine made)
And his own very kindly had lent him their aid.

Roberto at first was well pleased with his fate
And saw many wonders I will not relate
But coming at last ’mongst the jars full of wit
Upon one of the largest his own name was writ
When he lost it, you ladies perhaps may enquire
It was when he quitted the moon to fly higher
And as Ariosto had told him the way,
He regained it, then ’mongst the jars further did stray
He expected the wits of young men to find there
For ’tis said that they lose them. on viewing the fair
But you, gentle readers, must judge his surprise
When scarce any of these met his curious eyes
British generals there very frequently abound
There Whitelock’s, Dalrymple’s, and Burrard’s are found.
There Pagets and Moore’s, and Clavering’s appeared,
And a certain great personnage too I have heard.


To be continued