Gli angeli, il sol, la luna erano intorno
Al seggio di Natura in paradiso,
Quando formaron, Donna, il vostro viso
D’ogni beltà pefettamente adorno —
Era l’aer sereno e chiaro il giorno;
Giove alternava con sua figlia il riso;
E tra le belle grazie Amore assiso
Stavasi a mirar voi suo bel soggiorno.
Indi quaggiù per alta meraviglia
Scese vostra beltà prescritta in cielo
Di quante mai fien belle eterna idea.
Abbian altre begli occhi, e belle ciglia,
Bel volto, bella man, bell tutto il velo;
Giove da voi turre le belle crea!
Th’ Anglic host, the sun, the moon, array’d
In splendid majesty, around the seat
Of nature sure were plac’d, oh! beauteous maid
When those were form’s with ev’ry grace repleat
The day was clear and bright, the sky serene
Jove on his daughter mutual smiles bestow’d
And ’midst the Graces playful love was seen
Admiring thee his beautiful abode.
Then here below our wond’ring sight to bless
Thy lovely form was sent by Heav’n assign’d
The model of all future charms to bear.
Let other maidens beauteous eyes profess
Or face, or hand, or ev’ry charm combin’d,
For Jove from thee alone creates each grace.
I have endeavor’d to translate nearly literally the admirable sonnet of Fracastoro but I fear I have not done sufficient justice to so exquisite or jumbled Angels, Sun, Moon, Paradise, Jove, Love, the Graces