The Editor and Editress of the Attic Chest congratulate the Attic Society on the recommencement of their periodical recreations and on the number and elegance of the effusions with which during the long recess this repository of the Muses has been replenished. They are indeed so numerous that it is found necessary to reserve a considerable part of them for future amusements, as a provision against frost, which sometimes destroys the fluidity, or fogs, which chill the fervour of genius. Our kind contributors therefore will not suppose their productions are rejected, or relax in their pursuit after excellence because they do not appear in the front rank of our exhibition. A good poet always contrives that his subject shall rise as it advances; a good general that his reserve shall consist of staunch troops and a good caterer that the feast shall conclude with the most delicate viands. Those who may not hear their productions this evening will therefore believe the literary caterer has reserved them for a Bonne Bouche.
We shall only make a few general observations on the contributors which are now to be read, leaving particular criticism to the unbiassed judgement of the auditors who will discuss their merits with all the freedom of literary friendship. We think this will be most useful and entertaining as well as most improving to the young adventurer in the art of composition.
To Hassan’s elegant Muse we are indebted for translations of Bernis’ Love and the Nymphs. An Italian Sonnet from Fracastoro and The Rose from Bernard. The first will appear this evening and as we doubt not of its favourable reception by the ladies we hope that will induce him to encrease our obligations. The Gottingen verses have merit in their way but such compositions are written with so little trouble that the writer will not be very proud of laurels so easily gained.
The Anacreontic beauty of Mr D’s Valentine and the humour of the Apology for a Valentine have obtained for these two poems a place in our repository although the day is long past for which they were written. Such Poetry however can never be old. Of the spritely poem called “Good bye” & “How d’ye do” we shall nothing but that we hope the moral will be verified at our meetings. That the Good bye’s of each Evening will produce How d’ye doe’s for the next, and that the reciprocal influence of the sisters will long, very long be acknowledged by the patrons and contributors to the Attic Chest.
We beg leave to notice that the Chest is deficient in prose and the Editor and Editress request their friends will occasionally favour them with the thoughts in that mode of writing which is of more general utility than verse and sometimes not less pleasing.